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HomeYogaCat & Cow Pose Good Stretch For Spine And Back Pain Relief

Cat & Cow Pose Good Stretch For Spine And Back Pain Relief

Cat & Cow Poses (Marjaryasana & Bitilasana) And How To Do Marjaryasana & Bitilasana

The Sanskrit name for Cat & Cow Pose, Marjariasana, comes from Marjay, which means Cat and Asana, which means Posture, and cow pose, Bitilasana is an asana for beginners that is commonly practiced together and is collectively known as the “Cow Cat Pose”. Of course, this pose is also very useful for individual practice, but when paired it guarantees an overall healthy warm-up for the next asana. Cow Pose and Cat Pose complement each other wonderfully so the benefits of practicing together can be immensely rewarding.

How To Do Marjaryasana & Bitilasana

  • Start with your hands and knees with your wrists just below your shoulders and your knees just below your hips. Point your fingertips towards the mat. Spread your shins and knees hip-width apart. Center your head in a neutral position and lower your gaze downwards.
  • Start moving in cow pose: breathe as you lower your belly toward the mat. Raise your chin and chest and look up at the ceiling.
  • Spread it over your shoulders and pull the shoulders away from your ears.
  • Next, move to cat pose: as you exhale, pull your belly up towards your spine and your back toward the ceiling. This pose will look like a cat straightening its back.
  • Release your crown towards the floor, but don’t press your chin against your chest.
  • Inhale, return to cow pose, then exhale as you return to cat pose.
  • Repeat 5-20 times, then rest by sitting back on your heels with your body straight.

Health Benefits Of Cat & Cow Poses (Marjaryasana & Bitilasana)

  • This allows for more coordinated physical movement.
  • This greatly increases flexibility.
  • This improves posture and helps improve your gait.
  • This works as an excellent warm-up for the whole body.
  • As it actively stretches your back, torso and neck it improves the alignment of your spine.
  • It strengthens and stimulates the abdominal muscles.
  • This helps regulate breathing patterns.
  • This stimulates your kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • It relaxes you and reduces stress.
  • It is great for pain relief


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