Herbal Homemade Weight Loss Detox Morning Drink – Jeera Water

cumin water for weight loss

How To Lose Weight Easily With Jeera Or Cumin Water

Weight loss has become a very big problem for most of us today we are using various measures to lose weight like dieting weight loss pills liposuctions but such method to lose weight are not permanent because as soon as we stop dieting or pills our weight gains again also by doing such things we are doing harm to ourselves crash.

I think causing nutritional deficiencies in the body our face loses its natural glow causing dark circles and wrinkles so now the question arises how to lose weight without causing any such harms to us while also maintaining healthy and active lifestyle.

Cumin is one of the most famous Indian Spice used in the kitchen also known as Jeera in Hindi but it has a lot more potential apart from its flavouring enhancers in food various research has been established on Jeera and one among of all is Jeera used in weight loss there are various method to use Cumin.

How To Make Cumin Or Jeera Water For Quick Weight Loss

How Jeera water helped us to lose weight and how and what is the correct method to take Cumin water as it is the crucial part to make jeera water.

  • We need a teaspoon of jeera and a glass of water and if you want you can add teaspoon of honey and lemon to it.
  • This recipe is the most simplest and we can make in a short period of time.
  • At first we have to take a pan and we’ll add a glass of water after it gets boiled we are going to add a teaspoon of Jeera or Cumin to it one teaspoon of Cumin is equal to three grams of the Cumin which is the recommended dose.
  • Looked into the water and cook it at low flame for further 5 minutes then let it be closed so that to make an effective concoction.
  • While the water is boiling you can add Ginger slices if it is Winter and Mint leaves if it is Summer this addition is totally optional and depends upon your choice.
  • After Jeera water cools a bit you can strain it in a glass of water and add a teaspoon of Honey and squeeze a Lemon juice in it by doing this Jeera or Cumin water become more effective and good to taste.
  • So this is the Simple Cumin water recipe but I’m sure you must be curious to know How it really works.

Health Benefits Of Cumin Or Jeera Water

  • Cumin is an amazing metabolic booster which in turn burns our fat cells.
  • It activates the gastric juices and enhances our digestion process causing the fat in our body to break down into carbohydrate and digest it.
  • Hence we get rid of the excess of fat accumulation and also ultimately decreases the fat absorption in the blood.
  • Decrease in the cholesterol in our blood means killing two birds with one stone Jeera water reduces our excess of fat and also normalizes the cholesterol and slowly dissolves the blood cholesterol accumulation in the heart human water makes us active throughout the day.
  • Cumin water will be most effective when taken at night before going to sleep so that it can work throughout the night and do the cleaning process in our body effectively.
  • But also make sure that while taking cumin water we should drink a sufficient quantity of water to flush out the excess of toxins from our body and keep ourselves hydrated.
  • You can use this regularly and trust the results are amazing especially if you are overweight.
  • But one should also take care to try not to eat junk food and do yoga and exercises to make it work well.