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HomeYogaTrikonasana - Triangle Pose, Benefits And How To Do Trikonasana

Trikonasana – Triangle Pose, Benefits And How To Do Trikonasana

Trikonasana Yoga & How To Do Trikonasana

Trikonasana is also known as Triangle Pose. The word Trikonasana comes from the Sanskrit word, Trikona means “Triangle” and Asana means “Posture”. Different yoga schools have different opinions on what Trikonasana is and how to do it. This is a standing position that attracts all parts of the body.

Steps To Do Trikonasana

  • Stand one leg apart with your knees free.
  • Fully rotate your right foot and your left foot less than 45 degrees, keeping your heel parallel to your hip.
  • Arms extended sideways parallel to the floor, palms facing downwards, torso stretched as far as possible to the right, while arms remain parallel to the floor.
  • When the torso is fully extended to the right, the right arm is lowered so that the right hand reaches the Shinto towards the front of the right leg, with the palm facing down as you flex.
  • The left arm extends vertically and the spine and torso are carefully rotated with the arms extended as levers while the spine remains parallel to the floor.
  • The arms are extended and the head is often bent to the left thumb, slightly increasing the rotation of the spine.
  • Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths and switch sides.
  • However, repeating the pose change the position of our legs.

Health Benefits Of Trikonasana

  • Helps stretch thighs, back muscles, chest and shoulders.
  • Stretches your spine.
  • Give energy to the thighs, calves and buttocks.
  • Stimulates the spinal cord.
  • This increases the flexibility of the spine, correct shoulder alignment.
  • It relieves back pain, gastritis, indigestion, acidity and gas.
  • Helps treat neck sprains, reduces stiffness in the neck, shoulders and knees, strengthens ankles, and tightens ligaments in arms and legs.
  • It also stimulates the nervous system and relieves nervous depression, strengthens the pelvic area, and strengthens the reproductive organs.


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