Apana Mudra – Mudra of Digestion


Apana Mudra helps to get rid of waste Materials, including negativity. The main purpose of this pose is to practice Apana Vayu, energy that flows downward. This is very important in removing stools, gas, urine, sweat, or even blood that the body does not want.

Steps To Do Apana Mudra

  • The tips of the thumbs should be connected to the tips of the middle and ring fingers first, keep the other fingers straight.
  • This yoga mudra must be performed with both hands.
  • Start by practicing for 10-15 minutes in three sessions or 30-45 minutes continuously.
  • According to a study, Performing the Apana Mudra for at least 20 minutes shows a significant change in energy flow in the lower body.

Benefits Of Apana Mudra

  • Improve digestion and prevent flatulence.
  • Treat reproductive problems.
  • Reduces symptoms of menstrual cramps.
  • Reducing the risk of heart problems.
  • Has a detoxifying effect on the body.
  • According to research, Apana Mudra plays a therapeutic role in treating type 2 diabetes by reducing stress in the body.