Brahma Mudra – Gesture of Creative Energy


Brahma Mudra Meaning

The name Brahma Mudra comes from Sanskrit, where “Brahma” means Divine Mind or Supreme Mind. and Mudra as Gesture. These yogic hand movements that direct the flow of energy to specific areas of the brain.

How To Do Brahma Mudra

  • First, sit on the floor and inhale hard.
  • Then you need to bring your arms into a conspicuous position and bring your hands together so that the closed fingers are on the ceiling.
  • Now you need to take a heavy breath and close your eyes.
  • Chant Beejakshara or Omkara while doing this movement.
  • You can do this about 3-9 sets in one track.

Benefits Of Brahma Mudra

  • The regular Brahma Mudra practice is recommended to calm stressed nervous system and mind.
  • This mudra relieves stress and calms you down as well as negative energies.
  • It also affects the flow of life energy (prana) in the body.
  • It is also believed that the Brahma Mudra takes the yogi to a higher level of meditation.
  • This creates a sense of security. This mudra creates peace of mind, security and volunterism.