Yoni Mudra – Gesture of Womb / Mudra of the Source


Yoni Mudra Meaning

The Yoni Mudra is named because it leads the yogi to a state of mind as experienced in the Womb. Yoni Mudra involves covering the ears, eyes, nose and mouth with the fingers. This helps cut off all external input to the sense organs and the practitioner focuses on internal activities. This induces the Pratyahara state, or withdrawal of the senses from external events, which is the starting point for higher practice of Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

How To Do Yoni Mudra

  • If you are sitting on a flat surface, choose a meditation posture such as Padmasana, Vajrasana, or Sukhasana. Stand straight or you can even sit on a wall to straighten your spine.
  • Put your hands together. It will look like Namaste facing down.
  • Now bend your hands so that only the middle finger bones of the two fingers stay touching and the rest of the hand is joined.
  • Drag the two index fingers to the other three fingers and touch the tips to make an A-like shape.
  • In the same way, the thumb is stretched down and the tips of the thumb are touched together (V shape).
  • Reverse the shape of the entire arrangement, that is, the thumb joint is pointing up and the index finger joint is pointing down.
  • The shape of this finger now looks like the uterus. The uterine opening consists of the thumb and index finger, while the remaining 3 fingers clearly point through this opening.
  • Slide the tip of the thumb joint near the navel so that the index finger is pointing toward the pelvis.
  • At this point, Pranayama wants to incorporate “three-part breathing – abdominal, chest and chest breathing” into this mudra practice.

Benefits Of Yoni Mudra

  • Through the Yoni Mudra one can recognize the shortcomings and strengths within oneself which make them feel very calm spiritually.
  • Every action of the hand is directly related to our brain and there is something similar in this yoga mudra. This mudra relaxes the mind.
  • Through this mudra no negative thoughts come and thoughts and anger are also reduced.
  • It also strengthens the nervous system as well as unnecessary substances that accumulate in the body.
  • It is mentally said that thumb movements during this activity reduce body fire, stress, anger, and fear.
  • Yoni Mudra is also believed to help yogis reach higher levels of meditation.